Prepared for Harry Brompton’s

Want My BET?

To help launch Want My Bet? A new betting tips website, I was tasked with writing a launch script and their website to drive sign ups.


To push Honda’s Q2 offers, I was tasked with writing copy led press ads that brought to life honda’s tone of voice ‘the honda way’ - simple, understated, yet human.


Russian Standard is one of the only vodkas to be created AS exactly AS defined by russian law. To launch it in the UK I worked on developing the brand positioning ‘Vodka as it should be’ and their accompanying press ads.


Blinkbox launched a series of 30 second tV ads. Yet they had no tone of voice for any of their other channels. I developed the blinkbox tone of voice for print, digital and crm, creating a series of Reactive and punchy ads and emails.


To launch CAILLER Chocolate in the Uk, i wrote a series of ads that talked about how natural, premium and real their chocolate really was.

Santa on tinder

For social agency Collective, we wanted to show to the world that they knew social. So at christmas, we put santa on tinder and matched with those (both naughty and nice). After getting to know his matches, he arranged a date with them and gave them a surprise present based on their conversation. Trended on Buzzfeed and received millions of impressions for just a 5k budget.